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Lets make a record! Terence Blanchard's film scores in 1 compilation album

Added on Wednesday, July 05, 2017   Posted by Arvid Fossen

Lets make a record! Terence Blanchard's film scores in 1 compilation album

Each year, Film Fest Gent Music organises the recording and release of a compilation album with the best soundtracks of one particular film music composer. This year the best of Terence Blanchard!

Composers that are already part of our compilation series: Ryuichi Sakamoto, Alan Silvestri, Angelo Badalamenti and Graig Armstrong. In honour of 100 years of jazz, this year the best film music by Terence Blanchard will be bundled up in a compilation record. He is the most productive and successful jazz composer of the past 20 years who (also) writes for the film industry. The best tracks of movies like Inside Man, Malcolm X, 25th Hour will be recorded with Brussels Philharmonic & Brussels Jazz Orchestra conducted by Maestro Dirk Brossé.

To cover the production costs of such a compilation album, we set up a crowdfunding campaign every year. Our goal is to raise €10.000 to pay for the orchestras, conductor and production costs. However, the more we collect, the more extra's we can feature on the album. This goes from more tracks, more instruments, to more soloists etc.

Moreover, those supporting the campaign won't be left empty handed. For every contribution you make, there are advantages. Depending on the amount of money you pay, you'll get a home delivered, signed copy of the album, you can attend the recording sessions or receive a VIP-ticket to the World Soundtrack Awards Gala & Concert.

All jazz, movie or other lovers interested in this project, can visit the link below for more information and details about the campaign or advantages.

More info at:

