The Classics at the Movies: Romance
The Classics at the Movies: Sci-Fi
The Classics at the Movies: Suspense
The Classics at the Movies: Thrillers
The Classics at the Movies: War
 Codice d'Amore Orientale
 Cole Porter's Aladdin
 Commercial Grooves - Nostalgic Tracks from TV Adverts
 Conan the Barbarian
 Concerto Grosso, Cinerama Holiday Suite, World War I & Formations
La Conquista di Luna
 Curse of the Werewolf
A Date With the Devil
Le Démon de l'Himalaya / Crime et Châtiment / Regain / L'Idée
 Different Voices
 Discover Film Music
 Don Quixote in Spanish Music
 Easy to Remember: Songs of Rodgers and Hart

