
Mira Mi Música 03/20/2020 Download
Movie Film release: 2020

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# Track   Duration
1.Un Mundo Prohibido3:24
3.¿Qué Harías Si Me Muero?2:37
4.El Peor Viaje3:42
6.A Través de África3:05
7.En la Oscura Noche2:05
8.La Magia Mala2:46
9.Ecos de un Pasado2:39
10.El Monte Gurugú2:12
11.La Enfermedad2:09
14.En las Puertas del Paraíso1:42
16.Un Mundo Nuevo2:23
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Added on Tuesday, March 24, 2020  


Mira Mi Música presents a soundtrack album for the Spanish movie Adú. The album contains the film’s music composed by Roque Baños López.

Mira Mi Música presents a soundtrack album for the Spanish movie Adú. The album contains the film’s music composed by Roque Baños López.

The soundtrack is available to download on Amazon,and other sites.

Adú is directed by Salvador Calvo with Luis Tosar, Anna Castillo, Álvaro Cervantes, Jesús Carroza and Miquel Fernández.

Three people, three stories, one thing in common: Africa….
In the coastal autonomous city of Melilla (located in north Africa but belonging Spain), Mateo is a Civil Guard with the task to protect the barb wire which divides the city of the rest of Africa to avoid the entering of African immigrants to Spain.
During a mass attempt a night, Mateo is witness about as his partner Javi hits with his club in the head to an immigrant named Tatu, falling of the barb wire to the ground and dying in the fall, causing the rage in the rest of immigrants that seen it….

More info at: Official website Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales I.C.A.A.

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