
Filme | Data de lançamento: 10/02/2016 | Lançamento do filme: 2015 | Formato: Download

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# Rastrear Artista/Compositor Duração
1.On m'appelle HeidiBarbara Pravi3:49
2.The Sound of the Mountains2:01
4.Heidi and Klara1:34
5.With the Sesemanns3:01
6.Heidis Curiosity3:38
7.Homesick and Sled Ride3:42
8.Dete Kidnaps Heidi3:02
9.Kitten and Maladie Suisse2:13
10.Happiness in the Mountains3:44
11.Miss Rottmann' Wrath3:16
12.Klara Can Walk3:29
14.Back in the Mountains4:53
15.Heidi and the Alpoehi3:51
16.The Arrival of the Sesemanns2:22
17.In the Alps with Peter3:18
18.Joy and Longing4:51
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