The Little Mermaid

Película | Fecha de lanzamiento: 1974 | Estreno de película: 1974 | Medio: Vinyl


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# Pista   Duración
1.The World under the sea 
2.The Merkings family 
3.The Treasure chest arrivés 
5.The Little Mermaid departs 
6.The Prince's birthday party and the storm 
7.The Little Mermaid saves the Prince 
8.The Little Mermaid falls in love with the Prince 
9.Believe in your Dreams 
10.The Mermaid's song 
11.The Little Mermaid returns home 
12.The Little Mermaid leaves the ball, visit the Enchantress 
13.The Little Mermaid arrives at the Enchantress domain 
14.Transformation of the little Mermaid to Human Being 
15.Because she loves me 
16.Little Mermaid apprehension 
17.The Prince's marriage 
18.Little Mermaid's disillusionment 
19.Daughter's of the Air 
20.The Mermaid's theme 
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