Hollow Man

Colosseum (4005939617127)
Varèse Sarabande (0030206617122)
Película | Fecha de estreno: 01/07/2000 | Estreno de película: 2000 | Medio: CD, Descarga


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# Pista   Duración
1.The Hollow Man3:02
2.Isabelle Comes Back6:04
3.Linda & Sebastian2:57
4.This is Science6:17
5.Not Right2:42
6.What Went Wrong?1:44
7.Broken Window3:01
8.False Image1:58
9.Hi Boss2:49
10.Find Him4:38
11.Bloody Floor9:57
12.The Elevator3:01
13.The Big Climb3:06
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Hollow Man - 04/10 - Crítica de Tom Daish, Publicado en (Inglés)
Much though I am a great fan of Paul Verhoven and his amusing mixture of sex and violence (all done in the best possible taste of course), Hollow Man was really quite a disappointment. It lacked any kind of satirical edge, had a lead character whose psychological torment was touched on, but could have been more interestingly exposed for a tense psychological thriller. Instead it boiled down to a mess series of fights with an invisible enemy who had more lives than Home Alone's villains, but was also completely naked - his clothes couldn't become invisible. Suspending disbelief is fine up to a point, but when it's so aimless and tedious I just can't be bothered any more. Something of a dud. The same can unfortunately be said for Jerry Goldsmith's surprisingly uninteresting score.

The Hollow Man is Goldsmith's opening title music which I actually felt was most effective in the film as it played against the credits which appeared amongst a swirling microscope view of letters. Comments have usually suggested it being like Basic Instinct and while it is fairly similar, the icy eroticism of that score is almost completely absent and just into moody suspense, an effective curtain raiser. Goldsmith's synth effect of the day is a sampled violin which sounds like the player is bouncing the bow slightly randomly over the strings - only on a synthesiser. I must admit that I rather like the effect and because it's from an acoustic instrument, will likely date less quickly. However, much else is a pretty mundane mixture of suspense and really quite unexciting action writing. The suspense isn't terribly tense, even though it's atmospheric without being tuneless. However it really goes on a bit too long and some of the middle tracks could easily have been omitted. The more dynamic sequences worked well in the film, but on disc become another glaring variant on the Insurrection or US Marshalls action, but distinctly lacking in Goldsmith's usual flair.

While I am quite happy to defend Goldsmith when I feel he is being unfairly criticised - my feeling being that mediocre Goldsmith rates higher than many composer's best work - I must accept that Hollow Man is a pretty insipid effort. The little ideas from previous works cloak the score in deja-vu, which I can cope with if something interesting is fashioned, but Goldsmith simply sounds bored. His comments at a concert while he was scoring the film in which he stated that Verhoven was his best modern day collaborator seems to have come unfortunately unstuck in this instance. Then again, he also mentioned he was sick of writing scores for crappy action films, perhaps this is a sign that even for people he respects can't inspire him that much any more. Not a totally uninteresting score by any means and generally listenable, but had it been half an hour long, I suspect a much tighter and less repetitive album would have provided a better listen and more favourable rating.
Hollow Man - 08/10 - Crítica de Renaud Marie L, Publicado en (Francés)
Hollow man est une grande partition de la dernière époque de Goldsmith, parfois inégale. C est avant tout une grande bo d action et de suspense sur fond technologique. L ensemble est assez peu varié, mais propose une cohérence remarquable.
Goldsmith écrit un thème principal lorgnant sur Basic Instinct mais dont l arrangement évite ce qu il pouvait y avoir de vénéneux ou sensuel au profit d une ambiance beaucoup plus froide et depassionnee.
Un contrechamp de deux notes descendantes apparaît des l exposition du thème, une sorte de plainte que l on entendra tout au long de la partition. Une manière de rappeler que le heros, dans sa folie meurtrière est lui même une victime en souffrance ?
Tout le reste du score,deploie l habileté légendaire de Goldsmith a maintenir la tension: ostinatos, marches harmoniques, motifs rythmiques répétés.
Très peu de cordes alanguies ou de phrases empathiques, mais un pupitre massif de cuivre assez aride.
Un peu d electro, que Goldsmith n utilise jamais comme des nappes floues mais bel et bien comme un instrument de l orchestre.
La musique hocquete parfois comme dans un spasme grotesque, jusqu'au gammes descendantes du final, sorte de vomissure absurde qui décharge une tension inattendue. C est froid, implacable, massif, obsessionnel.
Et ce n est pas le thème qui réapparaît au détour de grands moments d action qui vient racheter cette musique distante. Au contraire, ien refusant toute empathie, il renforce l idée d une technologie étrangère à k humain.

Otras versiones de Hollow Man (2000):

Hollow Man (2000)
Hollow Man (2022)

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