Jing tan hao

Película | Fecha de estreno: 11/11/2011 | Medio: CD


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# Pista   Duración
1.Exclamation Mark (驚嘆號) (jing tan hao) 
2.Enchanting Melody (迷魂曲) (mi hun qu) 
3.Mine Mine 
4.Princess Syndrome (公主病) (gong zhu bing) 
5.How Are You? (你好嗎) (ni hao ma) 
6.Healing Roast Meat Dumplings (療傷燒肉粽) (liao shang shao rou zong) 
7.Piano Hurt (琴傷) (qin shang) 
8.Sailors Afraid Of Water (水手怕水) (shui shou pa shui) 
9.The World's Not Over Yet (世界未末日) (shi jie wei mo ri) 
10.Shadow Puppetry (皮影戲) (pi ying xi) 
11.Super Sports Goddess (超跑女神) (chao pao nü shen) 
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The 11th album from Jay Chou, playing on 1s and exclamation marks, the album was released on the special date of 11/11/11 and has 11 songs. In this album Jay Chou presents a variety of music styles, everything from rap to opera, giving each style his own unique twist.

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