Miss Lettie and Me

Serie de TV/Telefilme | Fecha de lanzamiento: 2002 | Estreno de película: 2002 | Medio: CD, Descarga


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# Pista   Duración
1.Main Title 
2.Meeting Travis 
3.Seeing Home 
4.To Everything There's a Season 
5.Give Her Time 
6.Daddy's Leave 
8.I Can't Raise a Child 
9.Travis in the Bedroom 
10.Another Chance 
11.Little Lamb 
12.Saddest Place Ever 
13.It Was Love 
14.In Trouble 
15.Thanksgiving Dinner 
16.You're a Family 
17.The Letter 
18.You Watch Over Things 
19.Talulah is Gone 
20.Wish You Were Here 
21.Wisest of Men 
22.Who'll Clap For Me? 
24.Miss Lettie and Me 
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