Odyssey in an Eggshell
Original Theatre Soundtrack

2609688 Records DK 14/01/2020 Descarga


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# Pista Artista/Compositor Duración
1.Prolonged Sunshine10:35
2.Possible Cave TheoryFredericChoi feat. Yutong4:22
3.Rising Rosy Finger (Led by Odysseus)1:46
4.The Third Realm3:25
6.Top Secret Space Program1:48
7.Dimitri's Trio2:34
8.MosesFredericChoi feat. Mo6:34
9.Eventuality (in Digital Paradise)3:06
10.Siren Rests under the Tree1:06
11.Rising Rosy Finger (led by the ghosts)1:11
12.VacuumFredericChoi feat. Mo6:15
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