Dexter: New Blood

Lakeshore Records 28/10/2022 Descarga
Serie de TV/Telefilme Estreno de película: 2021


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# Pista   Duración
1.New Blood (Suite, Pt. 1)1:49
3.Father and Son2:48
4.Matt Fits the Code3:07
5.Deb’s Presence1:39
6.Kurt And Lily2:25
7.Harrison’s Dark Passenger2:02
8.The Horrible Truth2:31
9.New Blood (Suite, Pt. 2)3:47
10.New Blood (Suite, Pt. 3)3:13
11.Kurt and Chloe3:04
12.Dexter’s Truth4:53
13.Molly Park1:43
14.The Clarke Caves, Finding Iris2:26
15.Kurt The Killer3:16
16.Harrison Remembers2:12
17.Kurt Closes In3:17
18.New Blood (Suite, Pt. 4)2:24
19.Kurt Caldwell4:09
20.The Batting Cage2:14
21.The Chase5:39
22.Angela Closes In5:01
24.The Burnt Out Cabin and The Note2:16
25.The Evidence2:26
26.The Blood Moon, Dexter Talks4:28
28.Angela Finds the Tomb, Dexter’s Frantic Run3:13
29.Sins of the Father3:10
30.The Letter1:08
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