Pokémon: The Lost Themes, Vol. 2
 Pokémon: The Lost Themes, Vol. 5
 Ratchet & Clack, Iconic Themes
 Ratchet & Clank: Iconic Themes, Vol. 2
Die Rättin
 Star Ocean, The Second Story
 Starfox, Greatest Themes & Sounds
 StarTropics, The Themes
 Streets of Rage 3: Iconic Themes
 Super Mario Sunshine, Iconic Themes
 Super Smash Bros Melee, The Themes
 Synthétiseur 10 - Les plus grands thèmes du cinéma
 Tales of Destiny
 Tales of Phantasia, The Themes
 Tales of Symphonia, The Themes
The Themes of Animal Crossing, New Horizons
 Undertale: The Themes

