Jessie & The Elf Boy

David Shaw Composing 15/09/2021 Herunterladen

Abonniere jetzt!

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# Spur   Dauer
1.Inside everyone is beautiful 
2.Main titles / Unexpected meeting 
3.Ghillie's home 
4.Budding friendship 
5.Leaving / Ghillie Investigates 
7.Where am I? 
8.New job 
9.Ghillie's search 
10.I've found you / A new style 
11.The necklace 
12.The client list 
14.News spreads 
15.Styling Tyler's hair 
16.Working together / Get rid of the necklace 
17.The date 
18.Amelia sneaking 
19.I can explain 
20.You're not my daughter / Ghillie leaves 
21.Setting things right 
22.Thank you for trying / Remember 
23.Taking Ghillie home 
24.I'm sorry 
25.Ghillie Dhu retreat 
26.Follow me 
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