Trois Siècles D'Histoire

ミュージカル | 年: 1970 | フォーマット: ビニール




# トラック アーティスト/作曲家 期間
1.A.Text: André Castelot, Music: Georges Delerue 
2.B.Text: André Castelot, Music: Georges Delerue 


'BRETEUIL MASSERAN ' released in 1970, made by a real estate called 'SEPIMO LA HENIN ' specialised in flats located in Paris (7th district). This is the only record produced by a real esate to sell real properties. Incl. 20 pages booklets with pictures, draws...of the street of Breteuil (in the 7th), +interview of the architect JEAN BALLADUR. The record inside, was created by ANDRE CASTELOT, the original music was conducted by GEORGES DELERUE, with the voices of french actors as JEAN NEGRONI, ROGER CAREL et CASTELOT.

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