Vivi o Preferibilmente Morti

映画 | 年: 1969 | フォーマット: ビニール




# トラック アーティスト/作曲家 期間
1.Monty and TedJohn Ireson and Wayne Parham2:50
2.Little Mountain Stream Waltz2:07
3.Monty and Ted: Riding Towards the SunsetJohn Ireson and Wayne Parham1:41
4.....December 24th...1:48
5.Two Peaceful Brothers1:24
6.Monty and Ted: Here's a Man Driving Fast in the SunshineJohn Ireson and Wayne Parham1:22
7.Let's Keep Our Fingers Crossed1:13
8.Who Will Save These Two Innocent Men?1:14
9.Better Like This Than Dead1:13
10.Falling in Love with a Pretty Girl2:23
11.Monty and Ted Gallop Out Across the PlainJohn Ireson and Wayne Parham1:29
12.Yes, SirLilian Terry2:04
13.Monty and Ted: In a Sentimental Mood1:28
14.Young Man, Go West1:29
15.Two Not So Peacefull Brothers1:20
16.Monty and Ted: Working Hard1:20
17.Monty and Ted: Who Knows if They're Good or Bad1:35
18.Monty and Ted: Now They're Buddies ForeverJohn Ireson and Wayne Parham1:38


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