The Red Pony

Film | Anno: 1986 | Rilascio pellicola: 1949 | Formato: Vinile

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# Traccia   Durata
Side One
1.Tom's Theme/The Ringmaster (Chickens Into Horses) 
2.The Clipping/Walk to the Bunkhouse 
3.Tom and The Pony/The Storm 
4.The Gift/The Red Pony Debuts (Tom's Schoolfriends/Homecoming) 
5.The Knights at Arms 
# Traccia   Durata
Side Two
2.Moth 'Round a Flame 
3.Night/Grandfather's Story--Westerin' 
4.The Pony Gets Sick/Rosie at the Pond 
5.After the Vulture Fight--He Let Him Die 
6.Tom's Theme/I Want Rosie's Colt 
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Altre versioni di The Red Pony (1949):

Red Pony / The Heiress, The (2017)

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