Alexander The Great

Film | Anno: 2013 | Rilascio pellicola: 1956 | Formato: Digital Download

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# Traccia   Durata
1.Main titles1:53
2.Philip's return1:27
3.Olympia's party and burning of Alexandropolis1:20
4.Eurydice and Alexander3:37
5.The battle of Cheronea2:59
6.Barsina and Alexander0:51
7.Battle of Granicus2:34
8.Hemnon's death and storming of Mileto1:24
9.Battle of Gaugamela5:58
10.Chase and death of Darius1:25
11.Alexander's death0:55
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Altre versioni di Alexander the Great (1956):

Alexander The Great (1956)
Alexander the Great (2018)
Alexander the Great (2018)
Alexander the Great (1956)
Alexander The Great (2019)

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