Krieg der Welten

Decca Records (0602498814130)
Film | Anno: 2005 | Rilascio pellicola: 2005 | Formato: CD

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# Traccia   Durata
2.The Ferry Scene5:49
3.Reaching the Country3:24
4.The Intersection Scene4:13
5.Ray and Rachel2:41
6.Escape from the City3:49
7.Probing the Basement4:12
8.Refugee Status3:50
9.The Attack on the Car2:44
10.The Seperation of the Family2:36
11.The Confrontation with Ogilvy4:34
12.The Return to Boston4:29
13.Escape from the Basket9:21
14.The Reunion3:17
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Altre versioni di War of the Worlds (2005):

War of the Worlds (2005)
Guerre des Mondes, La (2005)
War Of The Worlds (2020)

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